Posted on c/ElrondDevelopers 2 mwf81318617c/ElrondDevelopers 2 years ago An empty return value would indicate that the status is "FundingPeriod" Is that what you would expect currently? Comment 2 Comments J_P8344048126 2years ago I was always thinking I would have in return 0, 1 or 2. If it is "Successful" or "Failed" would I have respectively "empty", 1 or 2 in return ? Or something else ? mwf81318617 2years ago Empty is the shortest representation of 0, therefore its used for that :) 0 = "" 1 = "01" 2 = "02"
I was always thinking I would have in return 0, 1 or 2. If it is "Successful" or "Failed" would I have respectively "empty", 1 or 2 in return ? Or something else ?
Empty is the shortest representation of 0, therefore its used for that :) 0 = "" 1 = "01" 2 = "02"