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Hey! I have managed to get all listings as ManagedVec in response, the problem is that this always comes as a single value, if there are 2 listings this goes in one line .. e.g. 1 listing = "returnData": [ "AAAADkNPTE5BTUUtNWQ1NzI5AAAAAAAAAAJPBNVIoP1kg54VnSG3WcuGGr+K3s8lPOtqK3lV6u4eMQAAAAgDeC2s6dkAAA==" ], 2 listings = "returnData": [ "AAAADkNPTE5BTUUtNWQ1NzI5AAAAAAAAAAJPBNVIoP1kg54VnSG3WcuGGr+K3s8lPOtqK3lV6u4eMQAAAAgDeC2s6dkAAAAAAA5DT0xOQU1FLTVkNTcyOQAAAAAAAAADTwTVSKD9ZIOeFZ0ht1nLhhq/it7PJTzrait5VeruHjEAAAAIA3gtrOnZAAA=" ], is there a way to return it as array of separate values?