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Hi all, I've passed the crowdfunding tutorial ???? https://docs.elrond.com/developers/tutorials/crowdfunding-p2/ I was going on deploying it on testnet for testing. I can interact with the contract (fund) but for all the contracts I've deployed I never success to query the status. erdpy contract query erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqrnpxyn62nnrnwh930es4zf6txagv0ymevrssa0nhmh --function="status" --proxy="https://testnet-gateway.elrond.com" I always retrive : [ "" ] It seems cannot get the status (0,1 or 2) from #[derive(TopEncode, TopDecode, TypeAbi, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub enum Status { FundingPeriod, Successful, Failed, } When want to call the "claim" function I always get the message "cannot claim before deadline" even I think the parameter are good when I deploy the contract (Now the deadline is passed). It seems the deadline blochain timestamp parameter is not stored, but maybe I'm wrong. ???? Can you give me some help please ?