Posted on c/ElrondDevelopers 2 mwf81318617c/ElrondDevelopers 2 years ago how does your erdjs code look like? Comment 2 Comments pea4745295797 2years ago if (!contractInteractor) return; const interaction: Interaction = contractInteractor.methods.getLockStatus(); const res: QueryResponseBundle | undefined = await sendQuery(contractInteractor, proxy, interaction); if (!res || !res.returnCode.isSuccess()) return; const value = res.firstValue.valueOf(); const first = value.field0; connst second = value.field1; const third = value.field2; mic49732581 2years ago the abi is : { "name": "getLockStatus", "mutability": "readonly", "inputs": [], "outputs": [ { "type": "bool" }, { "type": "u64" }, { "type": "bool" } ] }
if (!contractInteractor) return; const interaction: Interaction = contractInteractor.methods.getLockStatus(); const res: QueryResponseBundle | undefined = await sendQuery(contractInteractor, proxy, interaction); if (!res || !res.returnCode.isSuccess()) return; const value = res.firstValue.valueOf(); const first = value.field0; connst second = value.field1; const third = value.field2;
the abi is : { "name": "getLockStatus", "mutability": "readonly", "inputs": [], "outputs": [ { "type": "bool" }, { "type": "u64" }, { "type": "bool" } ] }