I'm tring to fix the tests from an older project that was indpired by nft-minter. the template used to have mamdos test now this is missing.
Is hard to see where is failing because mandos does not report the test line but this used to work and now I get this error:
Scenario: 02_create_nft.scen.json ... FAIL: error processing steps: cannot parse set state step: invalid esdt value: invalid account ESDT instances: invalid account ESDT instance field in instances list: `lastNonce`
The line that I think is generating the error: https://github.com/bogdan-marian/learn-elrond/blob/4943cfa5ca61c7917bd9b24ee0a681fafba1a54d/my-contract/mandos/02_create_nft.scen.json#L21
"sc:my-contract": {
"nonce": "0",
"balance": "0",
"esdt": {
"str:NFT-123456": {
"instances": [
"lastNonce": "0",
"roles": ["ESDTRoleNFTCreate"]
Any hints on how this test should look like now?
lastNonce and roles aren't part of the instances. so imho the correct code would look like this:
"sc:my-contract": {
"nonce": "0",
"balance": "0",
"esdt": {
"str:NFT-123456": {
"lastNonce": "0",
"roles": ["ESDTRoleNFTCreate"],
"instances": []
lastNonce and roles aren't part of the instances. so imho the correct code would look like this: "sc:my-contract": { "nonce": "0", "balance": "0", "esdt": { "str:NFT-123456": { "lastNonce": "0", "roles": ["ESDTRoleNFTCreate"], "instances": [] } },