Blockchain is like a world computer (as it is run by people all over the world)
Cryptocurrency is money in this world computer. Set by math rules and game theory to make it secure, trustable and usable for everyone around the world.
Elrond, take it one step further with EGLD and their technology.
If BTC is an old calculator (computer for numbers only, small limited numbers), ETH is an early 90s computer (programmable, single core CPU, slow).
Elrond EGLD is both scarce and programmable, with 1000x improvement in speed. Elrond is like a modern multi-core CPU
Blockchain is like a world computer (as it is run by people all over the world) Cryptocurrency is money in this world computer. Set by math rules and game theory to make it secure, trustable and usable for everyone around the world. Elrond, take it one step further with EGLD and their technology. If BTC is an old calculator (computer for numbers only, small limited numbers), ETH is an early 90s computer (programmable, single core CPU, slow). Elrond EGLD is both scarce and programmable, with 1000x improvement in speed. Elrond is like a modern multi-core CPU
if you know what ether ecosystem is, imagine a 100x faster 1000x cheaper system and you have elrond.