Posted on c/ElrondNetwork 5 scv375108207c/ElrondNetwork 3 years ago So if i had 100 eGLDs staked , i will every week receive 150 MEX .So for first year 56*150? Comment 5 Comments mar186413857 3years ago There will be weekly snapshots, for 1 year - 52 weeks. If you stake, you get 50% more tokens than if you do not stake. The first weeks, you get 5 x more MEX than on a normal week, 4, 3, 2, until just 1x Kin872943468 3years ago 100×1.5×some other parameter that we dont know yet mar186413857 3years ago We don't know the exact distribution yet nic8973311275 3years ago I think theres 52 weeks Mic549089321 3years ago Let's wait for an official calculator for the rewards, right now the numbers are complex.
There will be weekly snapshots, for 1 year - 52 weeks. If you stake, you get 50% more tokens than if you do not stake. The first weeks, you get 5 x more MEX than on a normal week, 4, 3, 2, until just 1x
100×1.5×some other parameter that we dont know yet
We don't know the exact distribution yet
I think theres 52 weeks
Let's wait for an official calculator for the rewards, right now the numbers are complex.