Salutare. Poate sa imi explice si mie cineva cum functioneaza mecanismul de ardere a monedei mex atata timp cat feeurile de tranzactionare se platesc in egld?
Salutare, eGLD este folosit ca si gas fee pentru orice tip de tx in blockchain-ul Elrond (chiar daca e o tranzactie cu MEX sau nu).
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At present 0.05% from LP fees will be used to buy MEX and burn them. In the future more burn mechanics will be created, with every new product we will launch on top of Maiar DEX (like lottery for example).
Salutare, eGLD este folosit ca si gas fee pentru orice tip de tx in blockchain-ul Elrond (chiar daca e o tranzactie cu MEX sau nu). Citez din At present 0.05% from LP fees will be used to buy MEX and burn them. In the future more burn mechanics will be created, with every new product we will launch on top of Maiar DEX (like lottery for example).