-Man wants to know why Proteo isn't a ponzi
-man wants to know where the USDC and EGLD rewards comes from (wrong, rewards are paid in sProteo)
-We tell him go ask the devs or admins there
-man is scared of getting blocked or banned
-We insist because we're not experts in the topic and want him to ask the relavent group
-man accuses us of being smartass trolls
-Man wants to know why Proteo isn't a ponzi -man wants to know where the USDC and EGLD rewards comes from (wrong, rewards are paid in sProteo) -We tell him go ask the devs or admins there -man is scared of getting blocked or banned -We insist because we're not experts in the topic and want him to ask the relavent group -man accuses us of being smartass trolls