I know they can't sell but if there are are (almost) no buyers and someone sells for very cheap then egld price IS that price
If there are 5 buyers buying at 5$ and then one seller sells it to them for 5$ and no other trades happen, well then egld price now is 5$
Dude, staking has no direct impact on price, it has an impact on supply. If staking makes supply low, but demand is even lower, price goes down, regardless of the % staked
I know they can't sell but if there are are (almost) no buyers and someone sells for very cheap then egld price IS that price If there are 5 buyers buying at 5$ and then one seller sells it to them for 5$ and no other trades happen, well then egld price now is 5$
Don't even try dm????
Dude, staking has no direct impact on price, it has an impact on supply. If staking makes supply low, but demand is even lower, price goes down, regardless of the % staked