It's really simple.
Estimate how much it takes for both internal and external sides to review the current draft based on how many changes were made since the last draft => output estimative deadline.
If there are no new suggestions => it will be made public and the estimative deadline was approximately correct
Update it according to feedback and maybe new ideas => send again to review
It's really simple.
Estimate how much it takes for both internal and external sides to review the current draft based on how many changes were made since the last draft => output estimative deadline.
If there are no new suggestions => it will be made public and the estimative deadline was approximately correct
Update it according to feedback and maybe add new ideas => send again to review
I talking about Beniamin
Costi told you, better version.
It's really simple. Estimate how much it takes for both internal and external sides to review the current draft based on how many changes were made since the last draft => output estimative deadline. If there are no new suggestions => it will be made public and the estimative deadline was approximately correct else; Update it according to feedback and maybe new ideas => send again to review
It's really simple. Estimate how much it takes for both internal and external sides to review the current draft based on how many changes were made since the last draft => output estimative deadline. If there are no new suggestions => it will be made public and the estimative deadline was approximately correct else; Update it according to feedback and maybe add new ideas => send again to review