you can claim ido first batch now
Step 1: Go to in your MetaMask wallet browser (Trustwallet is glitching their end)
Step 2: Click on claim for the Public Sale
Step 3: Connect your wallet
Step 4: Click On Claim LGX Tokens (at the bottom of page)
Step 5: Approve and sign transaction with your wallet
Step 6: See the LGX in your wallet! :)
you can claim ido first batch now Step 1: Go to in your MetaMask wallet browser (Trustwallet is glitching their end) Step 2: Click on claim for the Public Sale Step 3: Connect your wallet Step 4: Click On Claim LGX Tokens (at the bottom of page) Step 5: Approve and sign transaction with your wallet Step 6: See the LGX in your wallet! :)