you can claim ido first batch now
Step 1: Go to in your MetaMask wallet browser (Trustwallet is glitching their end)
Step 2: Click on claim for the Public Sale
Step 3: Connect your wallet
Step 4: Click On Claim LGX Tokens (at the bottom of page)
Step 5: Approve and sign transaction with your wallet
Step 6: See the LGX in your wallet! :)
please read the medium article, claim date is 20th July. Your referrals should log in to v2 by that date.
For IDO (public sale) you mean?
you can claim ido first batch now Step 1: Go to in your MetaMask wallet browser (Trustwallet is glitching their end) Step 2: Click on claim for the Public Sale Step 3: Connect your wallet Step 4: Click On Claim LGX Tokens (at the bottom of page) Step 5: Approve and sign transaction with your wallet Step 6: See the LGX in your wallet! :)
No refer and rewards