If reality, I mean any reality is abstract dream-imagination that is co-ordinated as perception through our senses in different frequencies (any reality or perceptual dimension is a specific sort of frequency co-ordinaton), so then why is that in dreams, almost everything is possible, specially in the lucid ones, but in the waking state of reality, everything is so ruled, limited and conditioned? I mean if all perceptions are imaginary and dream-like, then why such huge difference occurs?
Yeah.. In my opinion.. In lucid dreams we are the only one there to take action.. And if we get distracted then we are distracted by our own mind.. But in waking reality which isn't that different from others, there we get distracted by other forms and people's lives and opinions which we perceive as more valuable this causes us to be off the track to get anything we want. You get it?
Yeah.. It is.. But the difference is.. In dreams if there is anything wrong or we assign a certain value to it then we will know.. The base and the core.
But in waking reality we assign the black cat as bad omen and we get distracted by that not thinking it was just a cat. Same in dream.. But we know it the cat passes by..
Yeah.. In my opinion.. In lucid dreams we are the only one there to take action.. And if we get distracted then we are distracted by our own mind.. But in waking reality which isn't that different from others, there we get distracted by other forms and people's lives and opinions which we perceive as more valuable this causes us to be off the track to get anything we want. You get it?
Isn't the waking reality also our mind too?
Yeah.. It is.. But the difference is.. In dreams if there is anything wrong or we assign a certain value to it then we will know.. The base and the core. But in waking reality we assign the black cat as bad omen and we get distracted by that not thinking it was just a cat. Same in dream.. But we know it the cat passes by..