The difference between holding POLS and Staking is
You need to hold POLS in your wallet for a minimum of 7 days; or
Hold POLS liquidity provider tokens on Uniswap or PancakeSwap for a minimum of 7 days
While Staking POLS on our new dashboard. This grants instant access to allowlist eligibility, but locks your tokens for 7 days.
What do you mean? You may either stake or hold. And all IDOs are FCFS.
You can stake or hold, however you will need to in order to participate in IDO
The difference between holding POLS and Staking is You need to hold POLS in your wallet for a minimum of 7 days; or Hold POLS liquidity provider tokens on Uniswap or PancakeSwap for a minimum of 7 days While Staking POLS on our new dashboard. This grants instant access to allowlist eligibility, but locks your tokens for 7 days.