Hi Mike. The listing price on the exchanges is unfortunately out of our scope. This is a matter of agreement between the project and the exchange. Polkastarter doesn't influence market trends or participate into decision making at that stage. We make decisions about launching the projects based on the long-term potential the project has, and the utility that they provide to the ecosystem. Not all of the internal affairs of the projects are disclosed to us. We always advice the projects in favour of our community and often times we do improve the conditions for you. This is anyway an unfortunate truth that not all of the project, both in and outside crypto space, turn out successful.
Hi Mike. The listing price on the exchanges is unfortunately out of our scope. This is a matter of agreement between the project and the exchange. Polkastarter doesn't influence market trends or participate into decision making at that stage. We make decisions about launching the projects based on the long-term potential the project has, and the utility that they provide to the ecosystem. Not all of the internal affairs of the projects are disclosed to us. We always advice the projects in favour of our community and often times we do improve the conditions for you. This is anyway an unfortunate truth that not all of the project, both in and outside crypto space, turn out successful.