Conversion function from ETH to SOL or vice versa is available!
❇️ Option 1 : allows you to convert ERC20 to SPL and vice versa using your MetaMask Wallet.
You can deposit ERC20 tokens and convert them to SPL tokens using the convert function of and Metamask (to learn how to convert ERC20 to SPL.
❇️ Option 2:
You can use FTX to deposit tokens (ERC20, XRP, BTC etc) and withdraw from FTX to FTX will automatically wrap your crypto in an SPL token to be used with the Serum DEX. Please note that to convert wrapped SPL assets back into their native chain, you can deposit into FTX and withdraw the unwrapped assets.
Conversion function from ETH to SOL or vice versa is available! ❇️ Option 1 : allows you to convert ERC20 to SPL and vice versa using your MetaMask Wallet. You can deposit ERC20 tokens and convert them to SPL tokens using the convert function of and Metamask (to learn how to convert ERC20 to SPL. ? ❇️ Option 2: You can use FTX to deposit tokens (ERC20, XRP, BTC etc) and withdraw from FTX to FTX will automatically wrap your crypto in an SPL token to be used with the Serum DEX. Please note that to convert wrapped SPL assets back into their native chain, you can deposit into FTX and withdraw the unwrapped assets.