1 jan8307353843c/elrondTRADER 2years ago I have a question for our experts here in the chat regarding the Dusting Attacks ???? Is someone srsly privately paying 0.1 ETH + fees per victim to make this happen?
1 jan8307353843c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago With forced I mean, is there a reason that it has to be that way?
1 jan8307353843c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago One "God SC" would also only take advantage off one shard and neglect the power of mulisharding, right?
1 jan8307353843c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago But I dont understand yet, how do I know that it is after the 7?
1 jan8307353843c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago can I query another SCs storages inside of my shard? If yes: WIll it work intrashard only?
1 jan8307353843c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago How is the router implemented? Is the router a potential bottleneck or are there multiple ones?
1 jan8307353843c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago "Another part of the team is investigating solutions to recover the funds. In the meantime, most of the funds have been recovered from the attackers, [...]" How would this recovering process look like exactly? Is it like burning esdt tokens and re-minting them?
1 jan8307353843c/ElrondNetwork 2years ago I asked the UTK community a few days ago and they said that it will be a one way bridge only, but its not. How does that work?
2 jan8307353843c/ElrondNetwork 2years ago Yesterday I saw a great video against (criticizing) crypto, nfts and daos yesterday. A lot of good arguments in my opinion, which made me rethink the whole situation. One of the things I got curious about was the missing 2FA options. I was wondering, if there is anything planned in the future?
1 jan8307353843c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago But wouldnt this end up in bridges likely being out of operation very quickly because all the liquidity that is locked in bsc -> egld bridge is being drained by eth -> egld -> bsc operations? e.g. 1. someone locks 100 FOO @ BSC and gets 100 FOO @ Elrond 2. someone else locks 100 FOO @ ETH and get 1... Read more
1 jan8307353843c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago Anyone can briefly explain to me how the erc20 <-> esdt bridge is working? Has the bridge "the power of minting/burning a token" on Elronds side? I could imagine the "ERC20 to ESDT" workflow if thats the case. You would lock up ERC20 tokens and mint/burn ESDT tokens. But is that really how this wil... Read more
1 jan8307353843c/elrondTRADER 2years ago Is anyone else feeling the same way about the tweet yesterday by Elrond asking the community about the future longterm usecases of MEX and their ideas? I am feeling a bit confused and am asking myself the following question, that might be FUD idk, we will see: Did they never thought about MEX in a ... Read more
1 jan8307353843c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago so elrond wrote the generic smart contract and creates specific instances for each pair of the same generic smart contract?
1 jan8307353843c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago What I was talking about was specifically the case, where you can buy, but not sell. Why is this possible?
1 jan8307353843c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago Can someone explain to me in short, how a rugpull like $SQUID is actually possible? Aren't the liquidity pool sc's all the same piece of code, and we just have more and more instances of it? Apparantly not, because then how is it possible to make a coin be buyable and not sellable then, that would... Read more
1 jan8307353843c/ElrondDevelopers 3years ago Ok I read a bit about it, what does it mean in a blockchain context, how does it help us here? anyone gott an example, how this improves our security?
1 jan8307353843c/ElrondNetwork 3years ago I am sorry, I feel stupid and still dont get it all. When EGLD will 5x in a EGLD BUSD pair, the impermanent loss will be insanely high, like 25% right? That would mean the rewards from lp and lp token staking must be more higher than 25% correct?
1 jan8307353843c/ElrondNetwork 3years ago Are there any good documentations/explanations on what you do to counteract impermanent loss on a COIN <-> stable coin LP pair, e.g. EGLD BUSD?
1 jan8307353843c/ElrondNetwork 3years ago Sry, I have to ask again: If I don't want to provide EGLD for EGLD / MEX LP, because I don't want to unstake my precious eGold, there will be an option to do only MEX?
2 jan8307353843c/ElrondNetwork 3years ago Whats the workflow behind that? Your provided EGLD get locked for other people to use? What does the LP do with both tokens exactly?
1 jan8307353843c/ElrondNetwork 3years ago Can someone tell me a bit more about LPs? Lucian said above, that there will be a EGLD / MEX pair, where I can put my locked mex in. What does that mean, for a noob? Do you need to enter both currencies into the pool, some mex AND some egld?